Vietnam – Restoring dune forests

In recent years, the coastal region in Central Vietnam has degraded severely and the population has been afflicted by increasingly frequent tropical storms and hurricanes. This has led to flooding and loss of harvests in the hinterland. The natural vegetation by the coast has been severely damaged by large-scale deforestation and incorrect use of the land. The dune forests and mangroves that used to protect the villages against these extreme weather conditions have almost completely disappeared.

The local population of small-scale farmers and fishermen is therefore increasingly exposed to the consequences of climate change, such as more and more floods and typhoons, long spells of drought and water pollution. And the eroded soil with sparse vegetation provides hardly any habitat any more for local flora and fauna. In order to reverse this trend, Hotels for Trees is supporting afforestation partner Trees for All in planting 120,000 native trees and shrubs to restore the heavily degraded coastal zone and ensure that the area becomes climate resilient and regains its protective function.